Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome Home RV  #60

The North Maine Woods has a number of sporting camps within its boundaries. Many are very well run and offer the perspective customer a chance to spend time, whether it be to fish, hunt or just relax and take in the scenery.

TC and I have decided to try to visit some of them, and when we found out that our youngest son was coming for a visit, we decided that the Deboullie area would be a good place to go. Now, Deboullie has a number of excellent trout ponds within the park, which is owned by the State of Maine. It also has an excellent sporting camp situated right on Island Pond. I have heard that the pond has always been a great place to fish. When we found out that our son, RV, was coming, we immediately decided to book a stay at Red River Camps. We contacted the owner, Jen Brophy via email and found that she was extremely quick to respond. Jen let us know that she did have availability on the day we were looking for and just that quickly, we were reserved. There are several plans that you can take while at the camps. The American plan allows you to take advantage of full meals while there, with Gloria doing all of the cooking in the main lodge. The Housekeeping plan allows you to do the cooking, while in the confines of your specific cabin.

On the day we were scheduled to drive in, we left our home and headed to Portage, ME where we entered the North Maine Woods via the fish river checkpoint. Once through, we took the Hewes Brook Rd. It wasn’t long before we came up on a Chevy pickup towing a boat and trailer. Shortly after, we ran smack dab into a dust bowl. Allow me to explain. On this day, they must have graded the road, because the dirt was very fine and powder dry. As we came to this stretch of the road, the truck in front of us, which was traveling at about 15 mph, made our travel miserable. We could not see one foot in front of us. Now, anyone who has traveled the woods roads, knows that a dry dusty dirt road can be very dangerous, not only because you can lose sight of the truck in front you, but from any oncoming trucks, including trucks loaded with as much tree length logs as they can load on. Fortunately, we did not meet any this day and we were able to keep track of the truck in front of us. Eventually, we came upon the road that we needed to take to get to Deboullie. We continued to follow the truck with boat in tow. Generally, the rules of the road indicate that when someone is following you and they seem to be faster than you, you pull over and let them pass you. But this guy would have none of it. He stayed in the middle of the road and just kept going. We followed him at about 15-20 miles per hour the entire way into the park until he finally took a left to go to where I thought he might go, Togue Pond. After we escaped the truck, the plan was to drive to the camps, check in and put our gear in the cabin, and then do some fishing at one of the ponds. As we drove into the camps, we were immediately met by Gloria. Gloria is the jack of all trades at the camps. She cleans the camps, cooks and just about everything else. She greeted us, and then took us inside where she let us know that we were going to stay in the cabin marked Denny. She also let us know that dinner was served at six pm. We also met Jen Brophy. Jen is a second generation owner, having purchased the camps from her mother and father. Once we had checked in, we drove up the hill to our cabin, and what we found was a very clean well maintained cabin with hot and cold running water as well as full bathroom facilities. We put our gear inside and then made our way to do a little fishing.  First, we decided that we would have lunch. TC had packed some food for us, so we made a group decision to go to Pushineer Pond to see if one of their campsites was available. When we got there, we found one and spread our things out and had lunch. When we finished our lunch, we packed up and headed over to Perch Pond. As we drove in, we noticed that there was a large party of people at one of the campsites. We stopped and were immediately greeted by several of them. Now, for any of you who know the Martin family from St. Francis, you know that these guys are in a class all their own. Lance Martin came over and we introduced ourselves and immediately everybody remembered everybody from past years. At one point, someone under the tarp yelled out to TC, hey, you went to school with me. Then to top it off, another one of the Martins let us know that his daughter had just gotten married to a young man who went to school in the engineering program at UMO. In this little world, after hearing the name of the man, our son piped up and said that this man had been his roommate during his first year at UMO. Then Lance let us know that they really rough it when they come to this campsite, which incidentally, they do every year on the same dates. In the camp was a generator and a refrigerator. That’s right, a refrigerator. Lance told us that last year, they had brought a freezer, but that did not work so well because it froze everything. Then he showed us a hand carved trophy of a fish with a few names on it and said it was awarded to the person who catches the biggest fish every year. He said that one year, someone brought up a big frozen fish they had caught and tried to pass it off as being caught at the outing. They said it took them a little while to figure out that it did not get caught there and that guy was disqualified. We also noticed that someone had a pontoon boat parked at the shore. Now, for all of you folks who don’t know about Perch Pond, if you pushed the boat out and got the motor up to ¼ speed, you would then need to power it down and find a way to turn it around. Said another way, the pond was far too small for the boat, but they said they were enjoying it anyway. We eventually had laughed enough and decided that it was time to move on and do some fishing. We made our way over to Upper Pond and had a real good day. My job on this trip was not to fish, but just paddle TC and RV around. I was kind of like a guide.

When we returned to Red River Camps that evening, we noticed that there were a lot of people there. Jen told us that she had eight cabins on the complex, and all were full. As we waited for the six o’clock hour, we sat on the deck of Denny and looked out at the complex and the spectacular view of Island Pond. Clearly, this was a place where you could come to relax and enjoy the fact that there were no phones or the hustle and bustle of the busy world. We eventually made our way to the main lodge and sat on the deck that overlooks the pond. Several more people showed up waiting for the bell to go off signifying that dinner was served. While waiting, we got to meet a couple from southern Maine that had just come to relax, hike, canoe and kayak. They told us that they generally take a week and vacation in Maine, usually at a sporting camp.. There was also another party comprised of a father and son. The father was from Maryland and the son, South Carolina. They had been coming to the camps for a number of years and I found their knowledge of the Deboullie area to be quite good. As we finished up our dinner, we heard some knocking at the sliding glass window next to our table. We looked over and found a group of ducks on the deck at the slider pecking away at the door to get in. We watched them for a few minutes and they never stopped their assault on that door until finally, Gloria went over to open it and shooed them away. Our final conversations that evening centered on trying to catch a few fish on Island pond before dark set in. So, we excused ourselves and headed back to the camp to get prepared. RV and I grabbed a canoe on the dock and headed out on the pond. Joining us in an adjacent canoe were the father and son. We fished until dark and only finally surrendered when the headlamp came out and we could not see for the black of night.
That evening, we slept remarkably well and arose to a beautiful clear morning with the water as calm as it could be. We found our way to breakfast which Gloria had made and then said our goodbyes and proceeded to fish two other ponds before we headed home. We rode over to Denny Pond and tried our luck there using sink tip lines. Denny is very clear, but also very deep and using the fish finder I have, I noticed that the fish were in the deeper parts of the pond. Galilee pond is a short walking distance away from Denny, and we all decided to take some time and hike into it.  We found it to be a very long narrow pond at the foot of a big rock ledge. Although we did not fish it this day, TC and I promised that we would come back and try it before the season was over. We then decided that we would drive over to Perch again, and this time, put our canoe in the water. We had a great time fishing it, but who we ran into as we were coming off the water bares discussion. As we came off, a truck pulled in with a boat in the back. As they drove in, we could hear the dogs in the truck making their presence known. The driver got out, with a Coors light in his hand and I instantly knew where he came from by his accent. If you have never been to the Allagash or spoken to someone from there, you just can’t appreciate how they talk. TC and I grew up in Fort Kent and we heard it all our lives, but have never gotten tired of it. Well, this gentleman had us laughing to tears in no time. He asked where we were from and when we told him, he said, you won’t catch me there, no sir. I don’t like driving in that much traffic.  When RV told him where he lived, which is outside of Boston, the conversation was even funnier. He said you’d have to put me in a net to go there. He also kept saying that Deboullie was the “Purtiest” place in the world, yes sir. Then he let the dogs out of the truck and what we saw were two little Yorkshire Terriers. This guy told us that they were the best fishermen in the group. They go in the boat, spot a fish and dive in grabbing it and then return to the boat. When we had laughed as much as we could, we decided that it was time to leave. When I turned back to look at them, I noticed the two dogs, paws up on the side of the boat looking down at the water. Maybe he was not telling a fib about their diving in. No, that can’t be.

Afternoon came and we made our way back home. We had really enjoyed our time at Red River camps and the whole Deboullie region. Jen and her whole gang had made us feel welcome and the atmosphere was outstanding.

Sunday came and RV had to head home. As we took him to the airport, there was a touch of sadness that he was leaving so soon. I always tell people to enjoy their family when they are young, because time passes quickly and they will be gone before you know it. But, I looked at the weekend this way, TC and I had gotten to spend some quality time with him and had been able to take advantage of our region and the Red River Camps. I expect that we will do this again, and the next time, maybe stay a little longer.

As we get closer to November, and the upcoming bear referendum vote, I urge you, and all Maine voters to take a look at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries website. They have added a page that talks about the referendum and have provided some excellent information. You can find the page using the URL below.

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