Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Best Christmas Ever  #50

 Jimmi Clifford was not unlike any other 9 year old boy. He enjoyed hunting and fishing with his dad. He did not share the same sentiment about school, and unfortunately, that occasionally caused problems. Many days, Jimmi was in school, but had a pond or his dad’s favorite hunting grounds on his mind. So unfortunately the teacher’s directions and help did not get utilized. Now, when it came to fishing, Jimmi’s dad Billy had done a fine job of teaching him the art of using a fly pole. But Jimmi was living in a state that had a law which required all hunters to be 10 years old before they could carry a gun. Jimmi longed for the day when he reached that age. His dad would tell him that when he reached 10, he would buy him his own 30-30. Jimmi had shot a gun on a number of occasions while in the company of his father, and Billy had taught his son about the need for safety at all times. So, the only thing holding Jimmi back was his age.

Birthdays only come once each year and December 26, 2013 was when Jimmi was to turn 10. January 1 started the countdown and Jimmi could hardly wait. He had placed a calendar behind the door and drew a line through each day that passed. His dad kept telling him that he could hardly wait for December to come, and asked Jimmi if he was available to go hunting with him on December 26th. At that, Jimmi asked his dad to come into his room. When they got there, Jimmi turned the calendar to the month of December and showed Billy that he had placed a big red circle around the 26th. It was clear that he was anxiously waiting for that day. It was also clear that Billy was just as excited to know that his son and he would share a very special moment on that day.

February 2013 came, and a letter appeared at the Clifford home addressed to Billy. When Billy got home from work, he saw the return address and as he was reading it, his face dropped and his eyes began to tear. He had known all along that this day may come, but he was hoping that this would not be the year. See, Billy was a Lieutenant in the Army National Guard and the letter was his orders directing him to report for active duty to Afghanistan effective April 1. The letter went on to say that the tour of duty was to extend for 12 months. Billy was most worried about leaving his family, but he also knew that he would not be home on the 26th of December and he felt like he was letting Jimmi down. All these years, they had planned for that date and now one letter had destroyed the dream they both had. He knew that Jimmi would be devastated. How did he tell a 9 year old boy that his dad was not going to be around to take him hunting as they had planned? Billy consulted with his wife and they decided to tell Jimmi that evening. When they sat down in the living room and Billy told Jimmi what had happened, he started to cry and got up saying “You were supposed to be there with me and you promised we would go hunting together. I waited a long time for this and now you are not going to be here for me”. At that, Jimmi stormed out of the room, ran to his bedroom and slammed the door. Billy felt awful and walked toward the bedroom and then turned at least six times before he decided to let it go for the night. It sufficed to say that no one in that house got any sleep that night.

April 1 came and Billy got up that morning knowing that it was the last time he would see his family for at least a year. He said his good byes, hugged his wife and then turned to Jimmi. With tears in his eyes, he told Jimmi that he would make it up to him when he returned and that he loved him more than anything. They hugged and Jimmi whispered in his dad’s ear that he would be waiting for him when he returned and they would go hunting then. At that, Billy left.

The months passed very slowly and from time to time, Jimmi would go down to the creek with rod in hand to do a little fishing. But somehow it just never felt the same as when he was with his dad. He had become the man of the house and had taken his responsibilities very seriously. He longed for the day when his dad would come home and although he had spoken to him a few times since he left, it was not the same. Jimmi became more inward and spent a lot of time in his room. Although he kept his school work up and his chores at home were getting done, he just wasn’t the same little boy.

December 24th came and Jimmi was helping his mom prepare for Christmas day. He saw all the presents under the tree but none resembled what he wanted most, the 30-30 his dad had promised him. But he was also aware that his job was to be a big man for his mom and that was what he was going to do. When he went to bed that night, he sat alongside his bed and gave thanks for everything he had. He said he missed his dad and hoped he would be home soon. During his reflection, he never once mentioned the gun or hunting on Dec 26, although it was on his mind. That evening he was in bed early and fast asleep in no time.

He awoke the next morning, not with the same enthusiasm as in the past, and walked out to the living room where his mother was waiting. Jimmi unwrapped all the presents that he had under the tree and when he got done, he had no 30-30. With a tear in his eye, he hugged his mother and thanked her for everything. He told her that he was going out into the kitchen to get a drink and would be right back. When he returned, there happened to be another big box under the tree with his name on it. With a smile on her face, his mother encouraged him to open it which he did. When he pealed the paper off the present, a smile immediately came to his face and he shrieked with joy. There in the box was a shiny new 30-30 rifle with his name engraved on it. He turned to hug his mom and it was at that moment that he spotted his dad in the doorway to the living room. Jimmi ran to him and hugged him asking how he was he able to come home early? Billy told him that he had put in for a leave and that it had been granted. He told Jimmi that there was nothing more important to him then fulfilling his promise of the gun and taking Jimmi hunting on Dec 26th and that was what they were going to do.

The next morning, they were both up bright and early and in the woods at the crack of dawn. They spent the whole day together, but unfortunately did not see any animals. That however did not matter to either of them. They had done what they had set out to do many years ago, and had done it together.

The week passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was time for Billy to go back. He said his good byes and they parted company. In a couple of months, Billy would be home for good and things would be back to normal. But for one week, a young boy had had the best Christmas ever. One that Jimmi or his dad would never forget. For Christmas is all about spending time with family. That is the greatest gift of all. TC and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And to our military friends, Peace, and come home safe.