Monday, September 24, 2012

Can you tell me where the time has gone?  #26

Have you ever caught yourself saying, “Where did the time go?” Was it related to your children and their growing up way to fast?  Well I do seem to say that from time to time, and this past week was no exception. TC and I were fortunate to have had both our sons home for a visit. Now, what do you think an avid fisherman would do during a visit with their family that loves to fish? If you said fish, you got the gold star for the day. TC, the two boys and I went to the woods on Thursday and came out Friday night. After going through the six mile checkpoint, we headed to Churchill Dam to show the boys what that area had to offer. While there, they both got to fish just below the red stakes at the dam and really had a great time catching fish. We took lots of photos of them with their waders on working their way downstream. At the end of the day, we had a long journey back to Chandler Lake Camps where we were staying for the night, so we called them out of the water, which they were reluctant to do, and headed back down the Pelletier and Pelletier road to the camp.

The next day, we left the camps and headed to our old reliable fishing hole, Ragged Mountain Pond and spend the day fishing. The weather was great, the company was wonderful and the fish cooperated very well. We ended up putting a lot of fish back, but did come out with three nice trout. As we were packing to leave, our youngest let us know that he really didn’t want to leave, so we had them go back out in the canoe while we finished packing. As we were driving out, I looked in the rear view mirror at both boys in the back seat of the truck. They were both sound asleep. It made me think of the times when they were young and we would go on a trip and they would be fast asleep in the backseat in no time.

They both had to head back to their respective homes the following day, and TC and I were both saddened that the time had gone so quickly. Each has his own life now, but they really enjoy coming back and spending time with us which we appreciate and enjoy as much as them. I could not help but watch their faces in that canoe when they got a fish. It reminded me of times passed when they were still young. It brought a lot of satisfaction to both TC and I that they had a good time while they were here.  
You always wish the best for your children, and TC and I are no exception. You cherish the time you have with them and the time when they are home growing up. But when they leave to their own lives, you cherish the time spent with them even more, and you catch yourself saying, as I did, where did the time go?

From the INBOX:
I heard from a reader who read my blog on little Kearston. He sent the blog to his daughter who works for the American Cancer Society. Alison got back to me and wants to be kept apprised of Kearstons progress. If we hear of any updates, we will surely do so.

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