Monday, January 1, 2018

Announcing Vernons Guide Service, LLC #98

A few years back, I decided to sit for the Maine Registered Guides Exam. The testing procedure was tough requiring you to show your proficiency in how to use a compass and a topo map as well as responding to a major catastrophic event. If you failed in one of these areas, you were not allowed to continue with the rest of the exam. The State of Maine breaks the classifications down in a couple of ways. You have to individually sit for your Fishing Guides license, your Hunting Guides license and your Recreation guides license. There are a few other classifications, but these are the ones that apply to us in Northern Maine. I chose to sit for the Fishing Guides license. Once I obtained my guides license in fishing, I began planning for how I wanted to use it in future years. I knew that I wanted to work a bit while still employed at my current job and then eventually work more as time allowed. Having an insurance background, I also knew that if I wanted to do this, I would have to form a separate business, and that is exactly what I did. In November 2017, I began researching how to go about forming an LLC. In December, I filed the paperwork, with the help of a friend and on December 18, 2017, I received the final paperwork. The beginning of Vernon’s Guide Service LLC. The service will work exclusively on fishing in Northern Maine and will begin with the 2018 fishing season. For the time being, I will only be booking a few trips in 2018 and am happy to report that I have already booked one. I look forward to spending time growing the business and giving people what they want, a great fishing experience in the North Maine Woods. So, away we go. My moto going forward is “I’m having the time of my life and I hope you will to.”
So, if you feel like you want to have a Northern Maine Woods fishing experience, drop me an email or give me a call. I’d be glad to schedule you in.
I also created a Vernon’s Guide Service Facebook page. Please search it out and give me a “LIKE.” You can find it at:

1 comment:

  1. This is exciting news Tim, something you will be great at. You know so many great fishing locations and to share this with others who are looking for an experience of their lives is awesome. Wishing you the best of luck with your new business. Dad and Sue
