Tuesday, March 17, 2015

It’s been some time since I have sat down at the keyboard and hammered out a new blog. Winter poses the biggest challenge to me, in that I spend time between cross country skiing and fly tying and the actual sport of fishing and hunting takes a back seat. I always watch, with anticipation when Punxsutawney Phil is pulled out of his hole, holding my breath that he will see his shadow and spring will mysteriously appear. Well, that did not happen this year and we had one of the coldest seasons on records, not to mention the snow we got. To add insult to injury, we received 16 inches of new snow this past weekend and are in for an additional 3 to 6 today. Not quite the spring I had hoped for.  However, I learned a long time ago that I can’t control the weather so I have to make the best of it. There is one thing that offers a sign that spring is just around the corner and that is the Presque Isle Fish and Game Club Sportsman’s show. The show is being held this weekend at the University of Maine Presque Isle Gentile Hall, and always offers some great exhibits, vendors and many sporting camp owners from all over, including Canada. The doors open Saturday, March 21 at 9am and runs until 5 and then again Sunday from 9 to 4. Admission is $5.00 and I bet you will be able to find something that really peaks your interest. Whether it be the need for a new fishing pole, paddles or that you just want to chat with the sporting camp owners about your next vacation. You can’t miss with this show. So, if you are in the area, make time to drop by and chat with the many folks who have a passion for the outdoors and want to share it. You won’t be disappointed. I added a link below for the club if you want to take a look at their web site.  So, hope to see you there and I will be back soon with more stories about TC and my adventures in the North Maine Woods.

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