Monday, November 14, 2016

Another year in the books #85

It’s hard to believe that I began to write these blogs back in 2012. December 2, 2012 to be exact. The blog has grown to over eighty four in number and I have tried to cover as much ground as I could. It seems as though time passes all too fast and as I look back on 2012, I remember not really knowing where I would go with the blogs I wrote , but I only knew that I wanted to showcase the beauty of our Northern Maine lands and the enjoyment you could get from taking time to take it all in. I have the perfect backdrop here in the North Maine Woods and know that they are only a few miles away from my home. TC and I have come to know many of the people that work here and have spent many a night at some of the sporting camps within the NMW boundaries. When many were traveling outside our state for vacation or just some R&R, TC and I were making our way into the many ponds to fish or the many roads that held some of the best grouse hunting in the world. We often made day trips, leaving early in the morning and coming home late at night. Then, when we felt like really getting away, we would book a night or two at two of our favorite camps. Red River Camps on Deboulie or Chandler Camps on Chandler Lake. The hospitality and the food at both were world class and had us coming back as often as we could. Over the 2016 fishing season, we spent more time in the Deboulie region, which had us staying at Red River Camps. Jen and Gloria were great hosts, and we always found it exciting when we arrived, and saddening when we left.  
We experienced some good fishing in 2016 and also made some memories. As an example, we fished a pond in Deboulie that TC’s dad and I went to many years ago. Crater was once a good pond for trout, I saw it decline over the years due to the water levels. This year, it was back in a big way and we caught some very nice trout there. We hiked into the Blacks and gave it a go. Yes, the Blacks. We tried our hand at North Little Black and although we did not catch anything, we could say we had been there. We fished Upper where on a good evening, just before dark, the water would boil with fish rising to the surface. We spent time on Island pond in the evening. Island is the pond where Red River Camps operates from. But I think the best memory I have of 2016, is when TC caught her first fish on a fly she had tied herself. Take it from me, there is nothing greater or more satisfying than that.
My final remembrance of the 2016 fishing season is called “Cast and Blast”. That, my friends is when you fish on the last day of fishing season, wake up the next day which is now hunting season and you go hunting. TC and I experienced that time of year for the first time together and it was fun.
So, 2016 is in the books, fishing season came to a close. But I will have a lot of fond memories of our journeys. It’s not often that you can say that your fishing partner is your wife and that she has as much passion for the outdoors as I do, so I consider myself very lucky. Thanks for a great year TC and I look forward to loading the canoe with you in 2017.